
RemoteRedirect is a simple web-service that allows to tunnel timing data from one location to another. It also allows to forward or generate display board data (e.g. clocks, countdown, runtime, …)

Mode: Timing Data Transmit

The web-service can be used to send timing data via internet frone one location to another. 

You can for instance send RS232 data from an ALGE-Timing Timy via internet to your local timing software.

Mode: Display Data Transmit

You can transmit display data from your timing device at one location to a displayboard at another location. For instance your displayboard could be at some other position than the local timing device: Just send displayboard data from RS232 locally via internet to a displayboards somewhere else. 

Mode: Display Data Generation

The web-service itself can also generate displayboard data on it’s own. This can be used to drive remote displayboards via internet. 

Use cases might be: 

  • Drive displayboards mounted on lead cars for marathon races and have perfectly synced clocks that can also be changed on the fly
  • Drive displayboards to show clock or countdown information

The software is licensed based on the number of links that are associated with your account. You can buy a pack of links at the same time for discount.

You can request a demo account by sending us an email:

Documentation is still under construction.